Shravan Ref Air

The Best in Class HVAC-R Products & Controls under one roof
Explore our extensive catalog, and discover why countless businesses trust Shravan Ref Air for their HVAC&R needs. Join us in making your environment more comfortable and efficient.
Think HVAC&R, Believe Shravan Ref Air
Shravan Ref Air stands as a stalwart in the HVAC&R (Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning, and Refrigeration) industry in India. With an unwavering commitment to excellence, we have risen to become a trusted name in providing HVAC&R spares and controls. Our team of experts is the backbone of Shravan Ref Air. Their knowledge and expertise in the HVAC&R field are unparalleled.
Established with a vision to transform the HVAC&R landscape, we have amassed an impressive inventory of over 50,000 products, spanning across more than 100 categories. Our extensive range includes spare parts, controls, and accessories, all designed to cater to the diverse needs of our valued customers.
The Ref Air Story
We are an ISO9001-2015 company.

VRF Copper Pipe

Condensing Unit

Get access to all compressors technologies, from rotary to inverter scroll from the best brands across the globe under one roof.

Liquid Receivers